Finbar RCCC Women's Team, with RCCC President Dan O'Donoghue |
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
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Breathing hard uphill |
Stage 4
Riding at the tail end of the peloton |
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Podium for my age category |
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Pretty chuffed with my rather large medal! |
Finbar RCCC Women's Team, with RCCC President Dan O'Donoghue |
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Breathing hard uphill |
Riding at the tail end of the peloton |
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Podium for my age category |
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Pretty chuffed with my rather large medal! |
Final day of the Cape to Cape today. Only two phrases needed to describe today's ride: road pedaling and forest singletrack. Two very different facets of mountain biking.
We started today at Colonial Brewery just east of Margaret River, and finished in Dunsborough. So we had quite a lot of ground to cover. The stage was 65km all up, by far the longest distance of the four days.
The weather today was relatively good. No rain, which was nice, and not too hot. There was a strong wind but luckily it was a south easterly so mostly it was a tailwind. However, it was very cold waiting at the start line for our start. Being in the last group on the road (Gold Class!), we don't start until about 8:30am as there are five minute time gaps between all the groups.
Eventually we headed off. The first 15km were road-based (tarmac and good gravel roads) before we got to the singletrack. Our plan was to ride at a good pace to warm up, then stop and eat something before the singletrack so that the more technically confident riders could get back in front of us. This plan worked well, we warmed up within about 5-10 min and we were passing pretty much everyone. We weren't going flat out but we sat at a good tempo pace.
After our little stop for a picnic (homemade muesli bars) and pit stop, we got into the singletrack at Middle Earth. I had been a bit nervous about this section, as I'd heard that Middle Earth was quite technical and had some challenging / scary obstacles. However, it was not as bad as I'd thought and just about all of it was rideable. The really tricky stuff had "B" lines around it. There were a couple of steep rocky drops that I walked down but otherwise I was brave enough to tackle most things.
The trail had lots of whoopdies, particularly sand ramps constructed over logs. Also quite a few berms and table tops. It was also quite twisty and narrow in places, weaving in between tight trees. Narrow bits of track are not my most favourite thing but I definitely got more confident at this today, just by doing it. Four days in a row out mountain biking has improved my confidence a long way, so I'm more willing to try stuff, and then I improve my skills and have more success at the things I try. Positive feedback loop.
My skill level is on par with riders in approximately the bottom third of the last group. There were definitely some riders who were slower and less skilled/confident than me through the technical stuff. Not many riders, but there are a few!
After almost 10km of fun at Middle Earth, it was back onto the roads. The next approximately 35km were pretty much on roads. Gravel roads, sandy roads, tarmac, bike paths, and a few short sections on grass. It was not much fun, and by the last 15km I was starting to get a bit tired. We stopped and had some more food, then continued to press on towards the promise of more singletrack near Dunsborough.
Well, there was more singletrack but it was only a few kilometres. The last 2-3km went through the mountain bike skills area at Dunsborough. This felt like the trickiest piece of singletrack in the whole four days - maybe cos I was pretty tired by this stage. It was quite twisty, and the trickiest bits for me were the rock gardens and the really narrow track between trees. I walked a few bits, but I also tackled some "A" lines that I wouldn't have done previously - a narrow bridge and a couple of small log overs and ramps. I also was really pleased with how I rode the narrow winding trail, I'm getting the hang of keeping my weight back and steering lightly. The downhill section was pretty fun too, although I was taking it at my sedate pace.
Finally, we reached the finish line. And none too soon as they were starting to collect some of the track signage. My hayfever kicked in straightaway after we finished in the grassy golf club, so we didn't hang around long and soak up the atmosphere and achievement of finishing.
I'm really happy to have completed this event, to finish safely, have no major mechanical issues, no concerns over fitness or nutrition, and to maintain a happy friendly attitude through the event. My preparation was good, and it was definitely ideal to ride with a buddy and stick together the whole way. As a bonus, my mountain bike skills have improved a lot and we got to experience some of the best trails in the south west of WA. This event looks like it will be on the calendar for next year!
Three phrases to sum up the third day of the Cape to Cape: drizzly rain, berms and whoopdies, and forest singletrack.
Today was a super fun day. We started en masse from Xanadu winery and all 1100+ riders formed a peloton for a procession through the centre of Margaret River. Bussell Highway was closed for an hour on a Saturday morning, and the locals were all our cheering us on. Terrific experience.
We stopped the other side of Margaret River and re-started in our speed groups with gaps in between. I was very happy to be at the back today, knowing there was a lot of singletrack coming up.
The rain had started before we left the winery this morning and didn't really let up all day. It was just a matter of whether we had heavy drizzle or a few spots of rain. Hard to see through glasses, which were covered in muddy rain drop, and fogged up when we were going slowly uphill. But glasses are important for eye protection when mountain biking.
There was a short section of gravel at the start, then into the singletrack. We were in a long line of riders and I was happy to stay at the back - until we got to some uphill sections. Then we started picking off the riders in front of us until we were at the front of the line with three other women. A few comments from the guys about "girl power" :)
So it was all going great at the front of the line, then we reached some tight twisty trail. I was just taking this easy and trying to stay smooth and not brake too much. Then we got to the first proper obstacle of the day, a log roll over. As it had been raining, the logs and roots were a bit slippery so I got off and walked this one. Then I decided it was time for a break to have something to eat and let the line of riders past. We have become known amongst our fellow riders as the picnickers :)
After our picnic we continued on our merry way. More twisty singletrack between trees in the forest. Then we got into The Pines proper. For anyone who rides a mountain bike in WA - if you haven't been to the Pines you must get out here. Some of the most fun trails I've ridden, and they won't be around much longer once the logging starts. Lots of berms and whoopdies and flowing trails. We did a recon out there a couple of days ago and I was a bit grumpy and freaked out. But after the last two days on my mountain bike my skills are improving and I loved it. I was brave enough to ride most of the berms without braking and whoopdies are my new friend, super fun.
After the fun non-technical trails we did a few of the more technical trails in the Pines as well. Rock and Root (yep, there were lots of rocks and roots) and the Chimney Trail (including a nasty short steep climb with rocks at the top). I walked the tricky obstacles but didn't feel too bad about that as it was still damp and slippery and hard to see out of my glasses.
We then left the Pines and rode some sections of rail trail and bridges to connect to the next section of singletrack. It was all so much fun it's hard to remember which bit was where. Some downhill twisty bits where we had a guy on our tail. He asked to get past when we got a chance to move over. Next thing we heard "bang, crash" behind us and "nevermind about that passing". He was okay, he did come past later on. Then we passed him on an uphill section. Leap frog :)
The last 10km were quite undulating. Three longish and toughish climbs, they were rideable but required a bit of pacing and in some places the riding line was quite narrow. One of the steep points was at least 18% gradient. Of course with all the uphill there was also plenty of downhill. Most of it was flowing downhill and around sweeping corners. One section was quite straight and fast with a few little roots and rocks. Normally I would take this type of track at a safe sedate pace. But after three days in a row on the mountain bike my body position, skills and confidence are improving. So I went "flying" downhill (relatively speaking) and fully got some air off one little obstacle. I also didn't even hesitate to jump over a couple of logs.
On the last hill, we caught up to and passed another lady. We called to her to join us and kept a steady pace up the climb so that she could keep up. She stuck with us til the end and we had a sprint finish through the grass at Colonial Brewery to the finish line. She was very happy to have our company for the last few kilometers to pick up her spirits and her pace. This is what it's all about. It is great seeing the same riders each day and we get to see them multiple times, as we pass them uphill, then get passed on the downhill or when we're stopped having our picnics (mmmm homemade muesli bars).
Today was a great confidence boost as I had been nervous about the singletrack. Tomorrow is lots more road riding plus more singletrack so a bit of a mixed bag.
Great to finish with a gourmet burger at Colonial Brewery - a terrific atmosphere with lots of riders and spectators still cheering for the last few riders coming in.
The second day of the Cape to Cape - forest singletrack, limestone rocks and more sand.
We started towards the back of the 6th group, I think there was one other group behind us. First up was a longish steady climb on tarmac then fire trail. Again, being road riders we passed a lot of people going uphill. Annie's legs were working better today so I had to work to stay with her.
Then we reached the first singletrack section, Sam Hill Downhill. This was a bit hairy and being the first section of technical track of the day I was taking it easy. A few guys behind me weren't too impressed with this and they were yelling to let them past. This is all very well and good but it's hard to let guys pass when you're going downhill on technical singletrack with no places to pull off.
After the brief section of singletrack we were back on roads with some more climbing. We tried to take it easy and let some of the boys with big egos pass us.
We then rode back into the singletrack and soon came to a quite long climb that had a long line of people walking. It was perfectly rideable but there were guys on handcycles tackling the climb and they are a bit slower uphill. Annie and I managed to ride at walking pace all the way to the top of the climb, which was an excellent test of our bike handling skills. Got quite a bit of kudos from our fellow riders too :)
The next 15km or so was lovely flowing singletrack interspersed with connecting tracks. There were a few little jumps that I may have even got some air on, or at least gone over at speed without freaking out! The uphills were rideable and the downhills were fun without being too technical. Plus we'd found ourselves in a good zone without too many other riders. One fun section, called The Tunnel, had lots of low hanging branches and forest close on either side, with a few twists and turns. It was fun and a little bit technical without being too hairy.
The track then headed west again out to the coast. And you know what that means - more sand. By this stage my confidence had improved and after all the riding on sand yesterday I decided that sand is my friend. Plus I was determined to stay on the bike and ride as much as I could. I did pretty well, staying on the bike and weaving around the guys who were walking. There were just a couple of sections of deep sand a few metres long that I had to walk through.
Then we came into the limestone rocks, first uphill then downhill. I discovered the benefits of full suspension over the rocks, helped tremendously to even out the ride and let the bike do more of the work.
After the sand and limestone sections there was another long steady hill climb along the coast. Great views. And I had time to appreciate the view as my riding partner was hampered by stomach cramps, she eventually figured out it was something in her drink.
The last 15-20km were relatively straightforward, mostly fire trail and non technical singletrack, and the climbs were not too steep. There was a fun short section of singletrack with some "whoopdies" (not sure if this is the correct technical term - where the trail goes up and down like a BMX track). These usually freak me out but today I was brave enough to tackle them.
Then we got to ride through some more farmland on the edges of the vineyards. Quite fun pushing up the hills and flying downhill. Then back onto fire trails and bitumen before the turnoff to Xanadu winery and the finish line.
Today we rode 57km. Our average speed was around 13kph and it took a little over 4 hours. Could have been faster had we not been held back by stomach cramps, but this event for me is not about racing so I wasn't concerned about the time. Just about enjoying the ride and riding with friends.
Day 1 of the Cape to Cape can be summed up in three words: dust, hills and sand.
We started at Cape Leeuwin lighthouse just after 12.30pm. It was great to see the long line of riders waiting to head off. Very classy by the organisers to have a jet fly around the headland, timed exactly with the start of the elite field. Something special to start the event.
We started towards the back, as I knew my technical skills wouldn't be as good as most people, and I was already getting annoying at guys with big egos passing us heading to the start line.
Not long after the start we headed uphill on tarmac then on gravel. Our ride plan was to enjoy it and not race it, so we rode a good tempo pace up the hills - and still passed lots of riders. Then we headed downhill on a fast and very dusty section - and all those riders passed us again. I have this crazy notion that I actually like to see where I'm going, so I was trying to ride slow enough for the dust clouds from other riders to settle. That was definitely not fast enough for most other people!
Then we got to a sandy bit with lots of people walking, which turned into an endless sandy hill with lots of people walking. Me included. It was so tough I had to take a break partway up and take some photos. This was Heartbreak Hill.
This pattern continued for the next 20km or so. Ride down some dusty and sandy hills. Get passed by a bunch of people. Get to a tough uphill and ride as far as you can then walk the rest, gasping for breath with calves burning. Get back on the bike and ride some more.
I was very happy to be able to ride up some of the steep sandy hills and I got better at going down them as well. I was feeling pretty confident ... then we reached the pre-dunes before the beach. They were properly steep with deep sand. Impossible to ride up. So trudging uphill and downhill in shoes filling up with sand.
Then ... the beach. One of the most anticipated parts of the whole course. And we were in luck - apparently it was the firmest the beach had been for all the years of this event. I knocked the sand out of my cleats, clipped in and headed off. It was great fun! I was passing everyone, timing my speed to avoid most of the waves, and with some good momentum I managed to pedal through the boggy bits of sand. I rode the whole way along the beach, then got some photos of Annie as she approached the end of the beach.
We had some more food - then more trudging uphill through deep sand. Eventually I got to some rideable sand so back on the bike. Good thing I was getting better at riding on sand because there was still lots of sand, downhill at speed and uphill at a snails pace riding around people who were walking.
Annie was struggling a bit with cramps in her calves and quads by this stage, so I found a good shady spot to wait and empty the buckets of sand from my shoes. Annie had caught me up on the downhills though so she was there in moments.
The next section was The Farm. This was quite fun, riding along ruts through grassy fields with sheep in the next paddock. It was a little undulating but I was still feeling pretty good so I set a good pace.
Then we came to Hamstring Hill. I started trying to ride up it, but it was sandy and steep and I was getting tired. Plus I knew Annie wouldn't be able to ride it. So we trudged some more up another long tough hill.
Finally, back on the bike for the last downhill section before the finish. I got stuck behind a guy who had broken his chain (he was using his bike like a scooter) and a guy on a handcycle. I was super impressed with how fast the handcycle guy went downhill - much faster than me, and he would've been eating loads of dust!
I got round those guys and re-joined Annie and we finished together. Very happy to reach the finish in Hamelin Bay. Today was 42km. I don't even know how long it took, my Garmin was so dusty at the finish that I couldn't read it. We were given a sticker for Group 6 for our seeding for the rest of the event.
Today I felt strong almost until the finish. I was very happy to improve my ability to ride on sand and extremely happy to be able to ride the whole beach section. The weather was also awesome. A great tough day on the bike.
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Start of the ride - smiles all round |
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Mechanic Annie |
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Bridge over a creek |
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Emma walking / pushing her bike up a steep rutted hill |
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Annie riding an uphill section of trail that I'd just walked up |
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Riding along powerlines |
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Crossing the railway |
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LARGE tree trunk |
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Rutted singletrack through lovely bush |
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Narrow singletrack through spindly shrubs - lots of ducking! |
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Mist / fog at Honeymoon Pool before we set off |
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Bush affected by fire |
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Rolling hillsides |
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Part of the trail - non-technical gravel road |
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Enjoying the ride |
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Breakfast of champions at Donnybrook Bakery |
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Annie crossing a large puddle / lake |
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Bike covered in dirt and making odd grinding noises |
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Gear and panniers covered in dirt and mud - a good test. They are water proof even when partially submerged in a large puddle! |
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Emma covered in mud but still smiling - happy to be under shelter and soon to be in warm dry clothes. |
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"Picnic" lunch at Nala Mia hut in the bed area - as the tables were in the rain |
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Our awesome tent set up a Nala Mia campsite |
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Finished in Nannup after 5 days on the trail, and still sort of smiling! |
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Lunch in Nannup - we earned it! |
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The completed section of trail (blackish squiggly line) |