Tuesday 17 September 2013

UWCT course reconnaissance - time trial course

We have spent the past three days, since arriving in Trento, doing reconnaissance of the time trial and road race courses.

First, the time trial course ... It starts with a couple of km at 6% gradient (climbing), followed by a technical descent about 5km long with a gradient around 8-9%. Plus for hair pin bends. The descent will be the key to success in the TT, if you can't descend you will lose time. Then there is approx 5km flat, alongside the lake on roads barely wide enough for one car. And some twisty turns through villages and onto bridges. Then there is a 5km section of hard climbing, with significant sections up to 10-13%. Ouch. The last 5km is also climbing, but it reduces down to <5% which seems comparatively easy!

My first rides on the TT course were down the descent with Zipps 404, which I had only ridden once before. I was scared the first descent, and each time I went down I got more scared and slower. The third time there was a bit of wind, and I was crawling down so as not to lose control of the bike. That decided me - no Zipp wheel on the front.

Today I did the descent with my road wheel on the front, and Zipp on the back. It was a revelation! I actually felt I could control the bike, and I could even start to think about corner exits and where the pot holes were that had to be avoided.

The flat parts of the course are great, scenic and smooth and you can take advantage of the TT position.

The climb is hard. Today was especially hard, but that may have something to do with the mountain I climbed this morning before heading to the TT course ...

All the photos show where the TT course actually goes.

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